5 skills to learn and save you money

Skills to learn and save you money.

Yes you read right.

Have I got your attention? Of course I have.

Whoever says they don’t want to save money is lying, and I’m saying this in the nicest possible way.

Without further ado, continue reading and find out.

It is has become easier to learn skills these days, with how technology has evolved.

You can search Google, watch a YouTube video, sign up to an online course.

However with so many skills out there to choose from, which ones are the best to learn and secondly save you money?

a combination of four photos: barber, painting, camera and person drilling
Skills to learn and save you money

It has become easier to learn skills these days, with how Technology has evolved.

The particular skills to learn and save you money I’ve chosen, are types in which most of us have or frequently spend money on.

I’d advise you to keep an open mind and reflect on what the majority of your income is spent on, as well as activities you enjoy doing. Without having to mention these activities individually, contemplate which of them you could possibly practise as a skill to learn and save you money.

1st Skill: Beauty Therapy

Personally when I had my first son, I finished college which I studied fashion and design and could not find a job in the industry.

As I continued education into University I knew I needed to study an additional course on the side.

I chose to Beauty Therapy in the evening as a part time course, whilst I studied at University full time during the day. When I’d completed my beauty course I was able to use this as an extra income by being a mobile beauty therapist.

I enjoyed going to the beauty salon to get beauty treatments but as I began to accumulate the products for my services I was able to do them on myself. From the amount of treatments I would usually get done I was able to save around £100 a month.

2nd Skill: Hairdressing

All of us were born with hair for arguments sake. Even if there are those who don’t now, there is still an upkeep to uphold. 

When I was young my mum would do my hair, as I grew older she would take me to the hairdressers. Following the arguments as a teenager when I wanted more control with my appearance, my mum gave up the fight and allowed me to. 

Intrestingly enough, in that time I had one week work experience in a hairdresser learning the basics to then getting a Saturday job learning more of the trade. At the time I got £20 for a day’s work, but from learning how to perfect my cornrow (plaiting) skills I generated many customers in and outside of school charging £5 for a few cornrows at the front of their hair.

Currently I am still able to make an income from it, though it is not a passion of mine. Fortunately in terms of saving money, I can count how many times I’ve been to the hairdressers, compared to how many times I’ve changed my hairstyle. Additionally I was able to purchase hair clippers and give my son a shape up at times when couldn’t reach the barbers.

3rd Skill: Wallpaper/ paint/ decorator

Living at home at a young age, my mum would give us jobs to earn an extra income. I guess encouraging this as a single mother who worked full time enabled her to get the important jobs done. I believe, what started an urge to decorate was when the money was not there to change the decoration of my room as and when I wanted. I’d ask my mother could I try. Guessing she knew I was creative and had a good eye for detail she allowed it. From then I practised my skill to doing it for her as I excelled. When I left the family home I was able to do my own home and other family members too. This particular skill can save money from moving into a new home or wanting to refresh or change your environment, without having to check the budget.

4th Skill: Carpentry

My father is a carpenter so it was not a shock that I had some element of the skill ridden in me somewhere. In consequence of my mother finding me on my fathers workshop roof at the age of 3 months; she had to find alternative childcare. Although I was good at flat packs from Ikea and doing the old repair around the house, I didn’t really delve into this skill.

Following the birth of my second child my cousin asked what do you want for him, I said he’s got everything. She hoped to of got a gift that was of some use, so I informed her a drill would be good. “You better use it,” whilst purchasing at the till. My drill has been one of my prized possessions and furthermore my cousin has been shocked on it’s continued use, from: shelves, tv brackets, blinds, security lights etc. The list goes on. Upon learning some handing tips on how to use a drill, you will no longer need to wait for your other half or a man to come and do those impatient jobs.

5th Skill: Photography inc. photoshop

Integrated into my design course was photography and photoshop. Upon learning some fundamental basics of them both and continued use of what I’d learnt; I was able to produce various marketing material for various projects. Tip: When you are strapped for cash and can’t get a photographer, do it yourself. Your phone can have just as good results. Learn how to mess about with timer and other settings as well as maybe purchasing additional items such as this product below.

About Author

Chloe Rebekah

My name is Chloe Rebekah and I am a coach for mums.