Love yourself first in 8 ways: to know your worth

Love yourself first to know your worth is very important. How much are you worth? Have you given it much thought? 

Loving ourselves should be easy enough since we give so easily, but why do we find it so difficult?

How can you expect someone else to love you, if you don’t know what loving yourself is like? When love type of relationship comes your way, it will be more of a bonus and if it happens to go away, you can go back to your own company.

You may be thinking what is my worth, I can’t see it so how will I know. As you practice these ways of self-love you will know your worth as your actions and behaviours will show you and you will feel good.

When you practice to love yourself first you will feel better within

1. Give others boundaries

Be upfront about what you will not stand for, so others are aware of how far they can go with the treatment they have towrards you. Though you may have boundaries it doesn’t mean you won’t be tested, be firm when you can see others overstepping the boundaries and tell them what the result will be in doing this.  

2. Take pride in your appearance 

Your personal hygiene, your hair, your skin, your skin, what you eat can affect about how you perceive yourself.

3. Don’t be afraid to say no

If you want to say no, say no. Do not feel under pressure for doing what you want. This also goes for standing up for what you believe in and confronting mistreatment.

4. Don’t lower your standards

You are worthy for the best treatment, so why lower your standards to suit someone else and fit in to what they want.

5. Believe in yourself

You can do anything you put your mind. Your stronger than you give yourself credit for. We focus so much on the fear itself that we don’t stop to think about what could be on the other side of fear. Compare fear and faith in terms of what we don’t see, but believe is there. One will stop you the other will keep you going. Believe you can.

6. Put you first 

Do what makes you happy before deciding on what will make someone else happy. Your happiness comes first and foremost.

7. Respect yourself

To love yourself you have to respect yourself. Your own company, your image, your personality. On a whole to be able to love yourself as exactly who you are. If you do, others will be unable to feel like they can mistreat you as you are confident in who you are.

8. Know yourself 

Who are you? What are your values? What do you believe in? Do not dismiss and change the qualities that make you. You are unique, special and should not change for anyone. Remember you can’t change anyone but yourself.

About Author

Chloe Rebekah

My name is Chloe Rebekah and I am a coach for mums.