Stress-free summer holiday tips for mums

A stress-free summer holiday who wouldn’t want that? It’s like a love-hate relationship. We love that the kids will be off, no school runs, no early morning traffic and more time spent with them.

On the other hand; there’s bickering with siblings, constant calling of your name, saying they’re hungry and meltdowns for who knows what. I can’t remove all the stress, but these tips will eliminate some strain for a stress-free summer holiday.

Manage expectations

High expectations adds pressure on you the parent, and you become frustrated when your needs are not met. You may have everything to plan, but the unexpected can happen like the British weather. Be sure to lower your expectations as it leads to plans being ruined and added stress.


Although they’re not at school, keeping a routine for the kids and yourself will help with the structure of each day. Creating a schedule for independent play, mealtimes, your time and a bedtime will help with discipline and boundaries for you all.

Plan Ahead

Planning activities to do in the holidays will help mums have a stress-free summer holiday. Involving the kids in the planning, and encouraging them to share their ideas so they feel they are part of the process and decision-making. Getting the kids involved decreases disagreements.

When you start to construct each day, week by week with either outings or playdates, include whether any extra shopping is needed for packed lunches or other emergency items. If the kids know where they’re going (unless it’s a surprise outing) they can be involved with preparing their clothes the night before too. Additionally in the planning stages is checking the weather forecast beforehand and travelling in off-peak or odd times when the roads will be less busy.

A list of restaurants where kids can eat for free or a pound. This will help give mums a stress free holiday

Limit Sugar Intake

As a mum, we know the kids will be in and out of the cupboards all day, saying they’re hungry even though they just had breakfast or lunch. Though this may be the case, be in control and limit their sugary intake. Encourage natural sugars and be deliberate if you allow sugary foods, to be before the park for example, so they’re able to let out their energy there.

Mummy Time

Put aside mummy time each day. When you notice yourself getting overwhelmed or on the verge of snapping, take some time out to destress and recentre yourself. When you reunite yourself with the kids, your improved well-being will make you a calmer mum.

There is nothing wrong with the child/ren having independent play whilst you have mummy time. Independent play helps with a child’s development, creativity and independence. You will be more

Delegate home tasks

Get the child/ren involved in home tasks. Communicate with them that they need to clean up after themselves and ultimately will save you time and energy.

By incorporating these tips, a stress-free summer holiday can be on the cards for mums and she will feel more in control. Remember, it’s all about planning and managing your time well.

About Author

Chloe Rebekah

My name is Chloe Rebekah and I am a coach for mums.